Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Children's Museum with Julianne and Seito

Another one of the painted cows around Denver. Ride em' cowboy!
Here are our mini veterinarians. They were so cute running around saving the animals. Seito came up with the funniest stories and ailments. Nothing is better than a kid having fun with a wild imagination.
The puppet show
Each kid had their own story going on and it usually involved a princess since girls were involved. It was so funny!
Here are our wild animals. They were running around wild and climbing up everything. They loved being dressed up.

At the grocery store. It was mad chaos in there! The kids were all having a ball playing the different parts. Here is Seito checking out and Julianne being the checker. I majority of the time I was running around stocking the shelves and cleaning up since I cannot stand a mess. One day I am sure I will relax.
Playing with trains
One of the coolest parts was the chance to build something with wood, containers, lids, etc. They got to use real tools which at times was nerve wracking, but so fun. Julianne made a crown.
Seito just enjoyed sawing and being dressed up.
Here are our firemen already to put out the next fire. They had so fun being dressed up and playing on the fire truck.

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